Number 40: Women in Science, Technology and Society: Sowing Knowledge from Inclusion and Diversity


We invite

Researchers, professors and graduate students to participate in the 40th issue of the journal Entretextos whose theme is "Women in Science, Technology and Society: Sowing Knowledge from Inclusion and Diversity". The purpose of this edition is to give voice to women in science, so that we can reflect on the promotion of content generated by women with the aim of offering a leveling platform to open doors when they have been discriminated against and whose work has been made invisible in various disciplinary areas.
In Mexico, according to statistics from the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness A.C. (2023), 3 out of 10 people are women professionals dedicated to science; consequently, for every woman, 7 men occupy a leadership role; however, over time women generate knowledge in all disciplinary fields, but their work is not recognized. This panorama invites us to reflect on the cutting-edge research of women scientists and technologists, their inventions and applications for society.
It should be noted that science conducted by women does not necessarily have a feminist and inclusive characteristic, due to the structural conditions of inequality in which they have historically developed as scientists. In this sense, patriarchal biases do not allow other women to achieve incursion into the art of creating new knowledge opening paths to new generations; therefore, it is considered important that women researchers adopt the gender perspective with a critical look at traditional epistemology, to build themselves as agents of knowledge (Guil, 2016).
Generating spaces for all women who are making contributions to science is a pending task in many of the disciplines that are part of the so-called "hard" sciences, but also in social and/or liberal disciplines; therefore, proposals will be received from the following areas of knowledge:

  • Political Science and related disciplines.
  • Legal Sciences and Law.
  • Humanities and Arts.
  • Biology and Chemistry.
  • Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy and Earth Sciences.
  • Engineering, Technological Development and Innovation.
  • Medicine and Health Sciences.
  • Interdisciplinary Studies.
  • Social and Anthropological Sciences.

However, the disciplines mentioned are by no means the only ones that are intended to be addressed in this publication, as others will be considered. The types of articles that will be accepted are the following:

  1. Research articles.
  2. Review articles.
  3. Case studies.

Of particular interest will be the reception of scientific articles by women that show the research they are doing, their role as team leaders, their work as agents of change or the experiences that underlie their outreach as well as education. As an indispensable guideline for publication, it is expected that 50% plus one of the references in the article be from publications by women.
The issue is coordinated by Dr. Giovana Patricia Ríos Godínez of ITESO (Guadalajara, Mexico) and Dr. María Eugenia Mena Navarro of Universidad Iberoamericana León (León, Mexico).

Receipt of papers:

Guidelines for publication:

Submission languages:

  • Spanish
  • English


  • Receipt of submissions: March 1, 2024.
  • Closing date for submissions: October 28, 2024.
