Feminisms in art history


  • Mónica Muñoz Carmona Universidad Iberoamericana León




gender, critical feminine theory, equity, patriarchy, art


The theme of women has been the subject of extensive research, with the aim of rescuing from oblivion female participation in art; however, this literature emerged a short time ago, so we are still working on making known the works and contributions that the female genre made throughout different eras. This article reviews, as a reflection, the role of women in the history of art to reveal that she has been overshadowed by patriarchy, reason why they are not mentioned in university studies programs.


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How to Cite

Muñoz Carmona, M. (2020). Feminisms in art history. Entretextos, 12(36), 1–12. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.202036155