Passion, agony, martyrdom and sanctification of Monsignor Romero


  • Alberto Cerritos
  • Benito Balam



It presents a work of philosophical, psychological, spiritual and political ethics, on the personal and community processes necessary to articulate a culture of peace in our days. Is divided into three parts: the first on the search for truth, which discusses how beliefs, knowledge and consensus are shaping paths to the truth. The second on the meeting of life, which addresses the importance of the link as a category, which links us generationally as a human species and also in interdependence with other species and conditions for life on the planet. Finally on the path of peace, which refers to the experience of democratic struggle and peaceful resistance in history, and how it develops a moral authority expressed in “force of truth”, and the autonomous consciousness generated in people and communities.


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How to Cite

Cerritos, A., & Balam, B. . (2019). Passion, agony, martyrdom and sanctification of Monsignor Romero. Entretextos, 11(31), 1–16.