Editorial issue 31


  • Diana Cárdenas Garza Universidad Iberoamericana León




This edition of Entretextos is convinced that art and culture offer ample possibilities not only for the formation of critical consciences, but also for the reconstruction of the social fabric, one of the main concerns of our times. Therefore, texts have been published that inform and reflect on proposals, processes and phenomena that evidence this important contribution of art not only to the development of society, but also to its reconfiguration. From the university to the urban space, from community education to the denunciation of social problems. And it is worth noting that among the authors of this edition there are both regional and Latin American perspectives.



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How to Cite

Cárdenas Garza, D. (2019). Editorial issue 31. Entretextos, 11(31), 1–2. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201931183