Ethics, power and university

Some considerations for the incorporation of ethical reflections to the analysis of power in the university


  • Jesús Arturo Navarro Ramos Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente



ethics, political power, organizational structure, university


This paper discusses the concept of power in the university and its possibility of analysis from the perspective of ethics. The central argument points out that power is a differentiated issue and that its exercise in the university is mediated by the ethical dimension and the participation of the academic community in the direction of the institution; to conclude by proposing four conditions so that ethics can participate in the analysis of power in the university. This incorporation recognizes the structural configurations of the university and the need for agreements based on the construction of overlapping consensus.


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How to Cite

Navarro Ramos, J. A. (2021). Ethics, power and university: Some considerations for the incorporation of ethical reflections to the analysis of power in the university. Entretextos, 13(37), 1–12.