Editorial issue 27


  • Lorena Jiménez Quiñones Universidad Iberoamericana León
  • Fabrizio Lorusso Universidad Iberoamericana León




Complexing, deconstructing and unlearning International Relations implies challenging the idea of the State as a central unit, with unequivocal patterns and rules. It implies recognizing the mechanisms of coercion hidden in institutions, which, far from promoting development, promote agendas that favor private interests. It even entails the need to rethink the very reconfiguration of public goods and the implicit loss of the
and the implicit loss of the power of agency in their proper management. In this sense, it is necessary to promote a critical view that monitors the dialectical processes between the local and international levels.
We hope that this 27th issue of Entretextos will be of interest to you and provoke reflections that contribute to academic discussion and to the construction of a more humane and just national and international community.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Quiñones, L., & Lorusso, F. (2017). Editorial issue 27. Entretextos, 9(27), 1–7. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201727259