Nation project educationalpolicy

Balance and perspective


  • Cecilia Peraza Sanginés Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
  • Ricardo Betancourt López Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



educative policy, quality, teachers, México, educative reform


The goal of this paper is to share a few considerations about the nation project profile preceding the upcoming election scenario, specifically within the educational ambit. The intention is to work out a balance contemplating the Mexican educational policy followed by the current government under the leadership of Enrique Peña Nieto (2012 - 2018), who inaugurated his presidency with the reform of the 3rd article of the Constitution, stating that such reform would achieve progress towards a country with high quality education. Considered from the perspective of sociology of educational policy, this statement is about making a coherent decision, bearing in mind the global educational reform movement (GERM), driven by the transnational financial organisms, towards a better school autonomy with accountability (SAWA). The administrative model, inspired on the new public management, involves a different relationship between State and teachers. The new teaching professional service law, reconfigures such relationship as well as the relationship between teachers, students, families, directors and administrative staff within the various governmental levels. The teaching community resistance has deeply penetrated the educational approach we currently want for Mexico. The consequences of this process, expected or not, can be recognized through different components: pedagogical, administrative, laboural and political. In summary, with the above observations we intend to introduce a few perspectives on the future educational field based on our first research evidences, and we also wish to help tracing the challenges that will have to be taken care of during the upcoming governmental term.


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How to Cite

Peraza Sanginés, C., & Betancourt López, R. (2018). Nation project educationalpolicy: Balance and perspective. Entretextos, 10(28), 1–20.