In the creative workshop


  • Gastón Ortiz Gutiérrez



On this occasion our section "Empty Spaces" visits the creative workshop of Gastón Ortiz, to accompany him in several of the techniques he has developed over more than two decades: drawing, photography and comics are some of the languages he has used to re-create reality and to make proposals for new readings available to all audiences; in his words: "The study of the main conventions of a comic is a graphic and linguistic questioning, while it is an aesthetic conversation and an intellectual pretension. In the construction of the images of the graphic narrative, the principles of the theory of visual arts and literature are intertwined, thus generating a visual grammar of its own; these pre-established conventions allow the expression of a taxonomy of alternate realities, which through specific codes, make it possible for the reading of a comic book to be approached from different semiotic dimensions".


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How to Cite

Ortiz Gutiérrez, G. (2017). In the creative workshop . Entretextos, 9(25), 1–9.