#YoSoy132. Note on an aesthetic social movement

The digital world, young people and the new social life in emergency


  • Jesús Galindo Cáceres Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla




social movement, social aesthetic movement, young, cyberspace, cyberculture


The text presents a point about the movement #YoSoy132, in the context of the concept of aesthetic movements, which have a contemporary constructive framework in cyberspace and cyberculture. You can not imagine the youth movement #YoSoy132 without the context of aesthetic movements in cyberspace. There is a moment of movement, more importantly, that happens only in cyberspace, and partly outside the social impact of cyberspace is inconceivable without its cyberlife on social networks. Here is presented a note about this in relation to other concepts, such as activism, social life of Mexican politics and the electoral situation in 2012.


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How to Cite

Galindo Cáceres, J. (2015). #YoSoy132. Note on an aesthetic social movement: The digital world, young people and the new social life in emergency. Entretextos, 7(19), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201519490