2012 Election

Electoral democracy at federal level


  • Arturo Mora Alva Universidad Iberoamericana León




Mexico, Instituto Federal Electoral, elections, federal budget, electoral list


The electoral year will test the reforms and agreements taken to guarantee the quality and transparency of the elections, but it is clear that the political parties themselves and with the prerogatives they have have generated and cultivated a political class that has already learned to live off the budget and that will do everything possible to at least maintain their electoral quotas and with them their economic income, hence we will surely witness "everything" they will do legally or illegally to win, because what is certain is that in the electoral processes of 2011 and 2010, all political parties showed, as they say colloquially, "the copper", with their practices, old or new, to condition the vote, to buy it, and also achieving in turn that these same practices inhibited citizen participation due to the suspicion and distrust they generated, resulting in greater abstentionism and therefore, governments elected by minorities.


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How to Cite

Mora Alva, A. (2012). 2012 Election: Electoral democracy at federal level. Entretextos, 4(10), 1–4. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201210654