Essay about the historic landscape transformations of the Main Square and Founders Square in the Historic Center of León, Gto.


  • Martha Luz Arias Padilla Universidad Iberoamericana León



physical transformations of the landscape, León historic center, historical landscape, Leon identity, historical analysis of squares


This article analyses, historically, the landscape transformations that have had the Main Square and the Founders Square of the city of León, Gto. These spaces, over the course of 400 years, were remodeled due to the needs of the population or catastrophes (fires and floods), which alter their morphology. Both squares are an important social reference for the city, as they are part of the Lioness identity, are located in the first painting of the historic center and where relevant events have been held, over the years. The importance of this study is that it reveals information that allows to understand the modifications of the place and their appropriation for the success of future interventions.


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How to Cite

Arias Padilla, M. L. (2020). Essay about the historic landscape transformations of the Main Square and Founders Square in the Historic Center of León, Gto. Entretextos, 12(34), 1–17.