Digitalization for the international purchasing área

The strategic application of industry 4.0


  • Maria Guadalupe Arredondo-Hidalgo Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Eva Conraud Koellner Universidad de Guanajuato
  • Claudia Cristina Villaseñor Aguilar Universidad De La Salle Bajío



industry 4.0, automotive industry, Guanajuato, purchasing, supply chain


The Economy 4.0 emerged in Germany under the precept of generating benefits for companies beyond smart production. The objective of the research work is to analyze the case of the digitalization of the purchasing operation for a company in the automotive sector in the state of Guanajuato, as part of the adoption of Industry 4.0. The paradigm addressed was a qualitative research based on an exploratory and descriptive case study. The company was chosen out of convenience because it is a leading company in the supply of the automotive industry established in the Bajío region. The on-site exploration is carried out to analyze the problems that the company faces, related to international purchases, and the proposal for improvement through digitalization aimed at making strategic decisions; The above is based on the design of an ad hoc platform that uses data fed through information technologies, called a control tower. The findings led to affirming the research assumption that the digitalization of the process has made the company's international operations more efficient, to have a more adequate, productive and sustainable supply chain.


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How to Cite

Arredondo-Hidalgo, M. G., Conraud Koellner, E., & Villaseñor Aguilar, C. C. (2023). Digitalization for the international purchasing área: The strategic application of industry 4.0. Entretextos, 15(39), 1–12.

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