Organizational barriers to the implementation of logistics 4.0 in a mexican company


  • Jose Agustin Galicia Orozco Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana
  • Ruth Selene Rios Estrada Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana



industry 4.0, logistics 4.0, barriers, MSMEs, digitalization


The objective of this article is to analyze the processes of strategic management and digitization to identify the elements that influence the formation of organizational barriers in the implementation of logistics 4.0 in the company Logística Integral Marklog. The methodological approach of this research is descriptive, based on a systemic approach, considering that the company is in a complex environment. The first results of this research establish that the main barriers found in Marklog to implement the technologies associated with logistics 4.0 were the following: 1) the absence of technological capacity; 2) the financial incapacity and training of workers; 3) the identification of workers with the organizational culture; 4) the pressures originated by the market, and 5) the strategic vision driven by customers and operators. The main constraints faced during the conduct of this research were, first, the limited amount of previous research on organizational issues focused on logistics 4.0 (L4.0 onwards) and, second, the lack of previous research addressing the issue of I4.0 (industry 4.0), from the perspective of administrative sciences with an organizational focus. The findings that emerged from the research allow establishing a division between the dimensions of strategic management and digitization, since their effects fall on employees, on the opening of the organization to new processes and on strategic alliances.


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How to Cite

Galicia Orozco, J. A. ., & Rios Estrada, R. S. (2023). Organizational barriers to the implementation of logistics 4.0 in a mexican company. Entretextos, 15(39), 1–22.