Different families

Building networks, mobilizing meaning


  • Karina Berenice Bárcenas Barajas Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente




family integration, social networks, post-media culture, contemporary world, political causes


The use of the Internet as a techno-symbolic platform, specifically of social networks such as Facebook, with the information resources and interactivity practices it makes possible, has accelerated social dynamics, the movement of societies, by allowing the construction of networks, of communities, from which its agents seek to provoke a displacement of meaning that is revealed in different action plans. The following lines present an approach to the practices of users of the social network Facebook in which, through different flows of production and circulation of information, civil society actions that intervene in the consolidation of a political agenda that seeks to demystify families formed from the diversity of sexual and gender identities as well as to promote the secularity of State institutions, so that the civil rights of sexual diversity groups to marry or assume a maternity or paternity in couple are granted, recognized and legitimized.


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How to Cite

Bárcenas Barajas, K. B. . (2010). Different families: Building networks, mobilizing meaning. Entretextos, 2(6), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.20106707