Guidelines to Publish

Article submission and format
Entretextos receives submissions for the "Thematic", "Open" and "Review" sections only through OJS; to do so, authors must register on this site and follow the steps indicated. Manuscripts submitted by other means will not be accepted.

Those collaborations in Spanish and English that conform to the following will be considered:

     * Preliminary elements. The paper must have a title in Spanish and English, an abstract of 200 words, as well as five key words in both languages.

       * Length. Research articles should have a length of 36,000 to 45,000 characters -with spaces, footnotes, references and annexes included-. Review articles and case studies should be between 27,000 and 36,000 characters in length, including spaces, footnotes, references and annexes. Academic book reviews should be between 3,600 and 9,000 thousand characters in length -including spaces-.

       * Format. Papers should be written in Microsoft Word Windows or compatible (.doc or .docx extension). Files in PDF format will not be accepted.

       * File characteristics. Write the document in letter size (21.59 x 27.94), double spacing, with normal margins (top and bottom 2.5 cm and right and left 3 cm) and spacing -front and back- of 0 pt.

Visual resources of the article

They should be numbered in sequential order, within the text, using Arabic numerals -for example, Figure 1. Tables and figures should have a title, source and note (if necessary). They should be sent in separate files (as Supplementary files). It is important that they meet the following requirements:

     * They should be sharp and of good quality, for this they will have to be delivered in JPG or PNG format with a resolution of no less than 300 DPI and 600 pixels wide.
     * Do not submit graphs or tables in images; they should be prepared in Excel or inserted in Word with the graphics tool so that they can be edited.
     * Formulas and equations should preferably be prepared in an equation editor and send the files in JPG or PNG format.
     * The location of images should be clearly indicated in the text.

 Additional element to the article
The following information should be sent in another Word file: author's full name, ORCID, highest level of studies, institution where he/she works, position held, city, country and telephone number; also the section ("Thematic", "Open" or "Review") in which the article will be published.

Citation standards
Entretextos adheres to the seventh edition of the citation norms established by the American Psychological Association (APA); therefore, the references are listed alphabetically at the end of the article. Only the sources on which the research was based and which were used for the preparation of the work will be referenced.

The direct textual citation should be included in the body of the text as follows: in parentheses the author's last name followed by a comma, the year of publication of the book, comma and then the abbreviation "p." or "pp." to indicate the number of the page where the citation appears; for example: (Morín, 2001, p. 38). In the case of an indirect quotation or paraphrase, only the author's last name and the year of the book edition will be written; for example: (Bourdieu, 2002).

Only annotations to the text should be placed at the foot of the page and should be exclusively explanatory, i.e., comments or digressions that allow the author to complete the information provided in the text; therefore, no bibliographical references should be included in them.

Note: Texts with references at the foot of the page or with a different criterion than APA will not be accepted.

Citation examples
References should be listed at the end of the text, in alphabetical order and should include, whenever available, the doi according to the following format:; or the corresponding link.

Note: Do not include sources that have not been cited in the text.


     * Book in print version
        Surname, N. (Year). Title. Publisher.

       Giménez, G. (2007). Estudios sobre la cultura y las identidades sociales [Studies on culture and social identities]. ITESO-CONACULTA.

     * Book chapter in printed version
        Surname, N. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In N. Surname(s) (coord.), Title of the book (pp.).  Publisher.

        Mendiola, A. and Chinchilla, P. (2006). The rhetorical construction of reality as a theory of modernity. The teaching of rhetoric in the colleges of the Society of Jesus in New Spain. In R. Lozano Herrera (coord.), La construcción retórica de la realidad: La Compañía de Jesús [The Rhetorical Construction of Reality: The Society of Jesus] (pp. 135-164). Universidad Iberoamericana Mexico City.

      * Electronic book with doi
         Surname, N. (Year). Title.

          Hernández Macías, J. A. (2023).  La política exterior de Colombia y Venezuela en el Caribe. Visiones encontradas (1999-2014) [Colombia and Venezuela's foreign policy in the Caribbean. Clashing visions (1999-2014)].

      * Book chapter with link
         Surname, N. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In N. Surname, (coord.), Title of book (pp.). Publisher.

          Obach, A., Flaño, J. and Vásquez, A. (2017). Case Study: Commune of Iquique. In M. Bernales, B. Cabieses and A. M. McIntyre (coords.), La Migración Internacional como determinante Social de la Salud en Chile: Evidencia y Propuestas para Políticas Públicas [International Migration as a Social Determinant of Health in Chile: Evidence and Proposals for Public Policies] (pp. 303-328). Universidad del Desarrollo.

     * Book chapter with doi
       Surname, N. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In N. Surname, (coord.), Title of book (pp.). Publisher.

          Blázquez Ochando, M. (2016). Techniques for searching environmental information on the internet. In E. J. Sánchez Vanderkast (coord.), Acceso a la información gubernamental: la otra agenda [Access to government information: the other agenda] (pp. 91-117). Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.

      * Printed journal article
         Surname, N. (year, month, day). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume(number), pp.-pp.

         Díaz-Barriga Arceo, F., Hernández Rojas, G., Rigo Lemini, M. A., Saad Dayán, E. and Delgado, G. (2006, January). Current challenges in the training and professional practice of the educational psychologist.  Revista de la Educación Superior [Journal of Higher Education], 1(137), pp. 11-24.

       * Journal article with doi
          Surname, N. (year, month, day). Title of the article. Name of journal, volume(number), folios.

         Zahra, S. A., Gedajlovic, E., Neubaum, D. O., & Shulman, J. M. (2009, September). A Typology of Social Entrepreneurs: Motives, Search Processes and Ethical Challenges. Journal of Business Venturing, 24(5), 519-532.

      * Online journal article
         Surname, N. (year, month, day). Title of the article. Journal name, volume(number), folios. http://www.xxxxx.xxxxx.

       Hess Zimmermann, K. (2013, October). Lexical development in adolescence: An analysis of nouns in oral and written narratives. Actualidades en Psicología [Current Issues in Psychology], 27(115), 113-127.

      * Online conference
          Surname, N. (year, month, day). Title of paper [type of contribution]. Conference, location. http://www.xxxxx.xxxxx.

         Obregón, C. (2021, June 30). Liquid humanity [conference session]. Diálogo de coyuntura, León, Guanajuato.  

      * Published thesis
         Surname, N. (Year). Title of the thesis [degree, name of the institution granting the degree]. Repository or database. http://www.xxxxx.xxxxx.          

        Sivertsson, M. and Utz, J. M. (2021). The Influence of Industry 4.0 on Globalisation Strategies of Multinational Enterprises [master's thesis, Jönköping University Business School]. Portal.