Investigating complex diseases with mathematical modeling of nanobiological systems


  • Luis Adolfo Torres González Universidad Iberoamericana León



Potts Model, mathematical modeling, human genome, XXI century, interdisciplinary research


The Human Genome Project (HGP), which culminated in 2003, brought with it a revolution of unsuspected scope for the 21st century, both scientifically and technologically. The code was opened and now it is necessary to investigate and "decipher" it thoroughly to understand how molecular mechanisms work in humans. The task is not easy, as all this will be impossible without the help of interdisciplinary research teams, where mathematics, basic sciences (physics, chemistry and biology), molecular biology, computational sciences and biomedical sciences join forces to search for and determine solutions to these complex biological systems.

An effort of this research is developed in the Department of Basic Sciences (DCB) by the Research Community in Engineering and Applied Sciences (IICA) of the Universidad Iberoamericana (UIA) León, with the project called: "Clustering of genes using the Potts model and Monte Cario simulation". This project is currently supported by the Science and Technology Council of the State of Guanajuato (CONCYTEG). In its first phase, it is aimed at generating bioinformatics tools -computational algorithms based on physical and mathematical models- to analyze gene expression data (microarrays) and thus obtain an explanation of the regulation between different genes.


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How to Cite

Torres González, L. A. (2009). Investigating complex diseases with mathematical modeling of nanobiological systems. Entretextos, 1(1), 1–6.



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