Editorial issue 24


  • Eugenia Morales Rivera Universidad Iberoamericana León




Thus, due to the relevance of the topic, an effort has been made to publish this issue of Entretextos, in which several experts in the field of engineering show us the various technological advances in which an emphasis on care or social benefit can be appreciated.

Let us reflect on the fact that despite the advances in science and technology, humanity has not managed to eliminate hunger on the planet, much less poverty. Similarly, it is undeniable the environmental deterioration that has been generated over the years and that is due to the emission of gases and their effects on the atmosphere. The future of engineering is necessarily linked to global technological trends, as well as to the demands of contemporary human societies.



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How to Cite

Morales Rivera, E. . (2016). Editorial issue 24. Entretextos, 8(24), 1–3. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201624419