A sad journey

From pleasure to duty


  • Oscar Adrián Ontiveros Aréchiga-Carrillo Universidad Iberoamericana León




football, show sport, perfomance, values


Soccer as a formal and organized sport is a global spectacle. So, it´s like business. Players, coaches, teams and spectators, all former players today reduced to the quality factors, they contribute decisively to that soccer is the most profitable entertainment industry today. Paradoxically, industrial criteria which dominate the current dynamics of soccer and trying to give the spectacular nature that the market requires, seem to hurt essential aspects of the game that was born in the educational field of nineteenth[1]century British schools as a means of forming the youth and in the course of one hundred and fifty years of history, has enchanted millions of people around the world beauty and enjoyment that generates around. The ethics of the current soccer is a construction made from the values that the market gives soccer players, so while they become commodities, ephemeral, disposable supplies and even provides alternatives for making new and different personal positions on the unstoppable evolution of the game.


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How to Cite

Ontiveros Aréchiga-Carrillo, O. A. (2014). A sad journey: From pleasure to duty. Entretextos, 6(16), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201416465