The challenges and frontiers of artificial intelligence in humanitarian action


  • Lorena Jiménez Quiñones Universidad Iberoamericana León



big data, decoloniality, humanitarian action, humanitarian crisis, artificial intelligence


This article analyzes the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI), big data and data mining in humanitarian action from a critical and decolonial perspective. The characterization of the current global landscape is marked by a higher degree of complexity regarding the nature of armed conflicts and the interconnectedness between humanitarian crises, forced displacement, and environmental degradation. Therefore, the arguments proposed underscore the importance of introducing an international human rights law and international humanitarian law framework to problematize the legitimacy and effectiveness of AI. The article discusses various ethical and operational challenges related to the use of AI in humanitarian action, including the monopolization of technological advancements by the Global North, the sociocultural adaptability of AI, and the potential risks inherent in its aspirations for objective decision-making.


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How to Cite

Jiménez Quiñones, L. (2023). The challenges and frontiers of artificial intelligence in humanitarian action. Entretextos, 15(39), 1–15.

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