Perspectives and challenges for the development of leadership in Latin American women




leadership, women, inclusion, public policies, emotional intelligence


Throughout history, women have faced diverse Challenges and played multiple roles in society. Today, the pursuit of equality in all economic sectors continues, with Women striving to establish themselves as leaders in areas such as the productive sector, politics, and science. This transition has been characterized by constant changes and persistent challenges.

This article explores the development of leadership and emotional intelligence in Latin American women, analyzing various perspectives and associated challenges. It addresses the barriers they face in developing leadership skills, as well as the need to improve their emotional intelligence to seize opportunities, develop and execute strategies, and overcome these barriers and challenges.

Leadership among Latin American women is a complex and multifaceted topic that requires recognition of the influence of cultural, social, and geopolitical factors that are constantly changing globally. These factors impact women’s leadership in the region, perpetuating structural and systemic barriers such as gender discrimination, lack of access to educational resources, limitations in professional development, and socioeconomic factors such as poverty and inequality. These conditions have hindered the full development of women in the public and professional spheres.

To promote female leadership, programs and policies are needed that promote gender equality through organizational and governmental practices that empower women and encourage their participation in leadership roles and decision-making.


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Author Biographies

Maria Eliazar Raygoza Limón, Universidad Politécnica de Baja California

María E. Raygoza-L holds a PhD in Chemistry and Energy from the Institute of Engineering at the Autonomous University of Baja California and a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering with a specialization in Manufacturing. The thesis topic she developed was Technological Management for the Transfer of Renewable Energies, during which she completed an academic stay at the Colegio de la Frontera Norte, where she researched public policies for energy transition and sustainable development in Mexico, resulting in a methodology aimed at integrating the key stakeholders who should collaborate for sustainable development. She is currently a full-time professor and researcher at the Polytechnic University of Baja California and an adjunct professor at the Autonomous University of Baja California, specializing in Energy Engineering and Renewable Energies, contributing to the training of high-quality human resources.

With extensive experience in the food and aerospace industries, her research interests encompass renewable energies, energy efficiency, environmental studies, energy management systems, and the integration of public policies for sustainable development and energy transition through social innovation and emerging technology applications such as Artificial Intelligence, especially Machine Learning. She is currently pursuing a second Bachelor's degree in Psychology, further expanding her academic horizons in the social applications of public policies and social innovation with an impact on sustainable development, addressing issues such as energy security, sustainability, renewable energies, and water stress, focusing her research on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Roxana Jiménez Sánchez, Universidad Politécnica de Baja California

She is a PhD candidate in International Industrial Safety at the Applied Pedagogical University, Monterrey Campus. She holds a Master's degree in Education with a specialization in Organizational Development from the Center for Technical and Higher Education (CETYS) University, Mexicali campus, and is a graduate in Environmental Chemical Engineering from the Technological Institute of Mexicali. She has worked in the field of implementing international standards in private industry and the public sector, and in the application of analytical techniques in drinking water and wastewater laboratories, contributing to the livestock sector. She is a Federal Labor Inspector and a classroom professor.

She has been dedicated to teaching for 17 years at the Polytechnic University of Baja California in the area of Manufacturing Engineering, with contributions in research related to Sustainability, Environment, and Industrial Safety and Hygiene.


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How to Cite

Raygoza Limón, M. E., & Jiménez Sánchez, R. . (2024). Perspectives and challenges for the development of leadership in Latin American women. Entretextos, 16(40), 1–19.