Editorial issue 32


  • Eugenia Morales Rivera Universidad Iberoamericana León




Stress is a response of an individual or an organism to situations that demand greater than ordinary effort, or in which it feels in the presence of danger, something harmful or unpleasant. It is a state produced by a series of unusual or excessive demands that threaten the well-being or integrity of a person. It is the disease of the 21st century and it is on the rise worldwide. And although stress is a worrying condition, the hopeful thing about it is that it is treatable and can be prevented or controlled in different ways. Against this backdrop, the proposal of the 32nd issue of Entretextos has been right in reflecting on the relevance and consequences of stress in daily life.


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How to Cite

Morales Rivera, E. (2019). Editorial issue 32. Entretextos, 11(32), 1–2. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201932152