Editorial issue 21


  • María de Lourdes Reyes Escogido University of Guanajuato




This issue of Entretextos presents several reviews on nutrition and its relationship with health and disease, highlighting the importance of food from a nutritional point of view and the role of nutrition from a multifunctional approach for humans. Thanks to the advances in the knowledge about the existing differences between individuals in response to a diet, we now know that the genetic component is an important key factor for the response of the individual. Therefore, areas such as nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics have arisen that try to study the interactions between the genome and nutrients at the molecular level, since it has been proven that many of the molecules present in food can alter gene expression directly and indirectly and have a positive or negative influence on signaling pathways and cellular metabolism.


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How to Cite

Reyes Escogido, M. de L. (2015). Editorial issue 21. Entretextos, 7(21), 1–3. https://doi.org/10.59057/iberoleon.20075316.201521417

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