Physical violence and illegal drugs

A study on how El Universal contributed to its definition as a social problem


  • Elizabeth Aristizábal Gómez Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



physical violence, illegal drugs, political cartoons, news media, causal storioes


At the end of 2004, when the presidency of Vicente Fox (2000-2006) was about to be concluded, one issue was placed on the agenda of capital news media: the association between physical violence and illegal drugs. In the regional media, such as el Semanario Zeta, El Mañana and Riodoce, they had already given coverage to that note, but it had little echo at the national level. In the presidential six-year term of Felipe Calderón (2006-2012) a series of events involved various social, economic and political actors to redefine this social problem, susceptible to the formulation and implementation of public policies. This article uses Robert Entman’s framing theory and Deborah Stone’s causal arguments from a constructivist philosophical perspective to respond to how the newspaper El Universal contributed, through political cartoons, in defining the subject as a problem.


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How to Cite

Aristizábal Gómez, E. (2020). Physical violence and illegal drugs: A study on how El Universal contributed to its definition as a social problem. Entretextos, 12(35), 1–14.