Implementation of Open Science practices by scientific journals indexed by the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology


  • Javier de la Fuente Hernández Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León
  • Adriana Martínez Martínez Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León
  • Ariadna Cervera Gómez Escuela Nacional de Estudios Superiores Unidad León
  • Gabriel Enrique Guzmán Díaz de León Universidad Tecnológica de León



open science, scientific journal, visibility, digitalization


The purpose of this contribution is to explore which practices of the movement known as Open Science are being implemented by some scientific journals in Mexico. In or der to do so, in February 2020, an exploratory and descriptive analysis of the database of Conacyt (The Mexican National Council for Science and Technology) known as Classification System for Mexican Journals of Science and Technology was carried out. Results show that the implementation of these kind of practices is incipient, even though the benefits in terms of journal visibility and validity of published knowledge can be significant. One of the reasons for this incipient implementation includes the conflict of interest in open evaluation and the biases of publishing non-evaluated knowledge. The challenge for scientific journals is to evolve and adapt to the changes which digitization is bringing.


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How to Cite

de la Fuente Hernández, J. ., Martínez Martínez, A., Cervera Gómez, A. ., & Guzmán Díaz de León, G. E. . (2022). Implementation of Open Science practices by scientific journals indexed by the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology. Entretextos, 14(38), 1–11.